Actress Sonam Kapoor, who was recently seen in Arbaaz Khan's Dolly Ki Doli, has been hospitalized. The actress shared an image from the hospital on microblogging site Twitter saying that she hates being sick.
Hate being sick... Oowie
— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) February 9, 2015
The actress reportedly has respiratory infection, which she contracted while shooting for Sooraj Barjatya's Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo in Karjat. The film reunites her with her Sawariyaan co-star Salman Khan, who will be seen in a double role in the film.
While in the hospital, the actress finished reading late actor Rajesh Khanna's biography by Gautam Chintamani. She wrote: "Just finished reading #rajeshkhannas biography by gautam chintamani. Very well and fairly written for fans, sceptics and cinephiles."
While she was hospitalized, Chef Kelvin Cheung also sent Sonam special protein cookies.
Thank you @chefkelvincheung for the care package.. Feeling better already!!
— Sonam Kapoor (@sonamakapoor) February 9, 2015