Veteran actor Nana Patekar, who was seen in the 2004 thriller Ab Tak Chhappan and its sequel, says he will direct the film's third part and will spend "more money on it".
"I will direct the third part of Ab Tak Chhappan," said Mr Patekar, who had earlier directed Prahaar: The Final Attack starring Madhuri Dixit.
"It will be shot in France and Istanbul, most probably. We have decided the basic structure of the third part," he added.
He also shared that the third part would be costlier than the first two parts.
"It will be a good thriller, a Die Hard kind of a project. We will spend little more money on it," the actor-filmmaker said.
"Also some nice people (big actors) will be there in the third part," he added.
Ab Tak Chhappan 2, directed by Aejaz Gulab, is set to release on February 27. It also features Gul Panag, Ashutosh Rana and Vikram Gokhale.