Monday, 15 December 2014

Kanye West plans to build Kim K's statue in iconic Grace Jones pose

Kanye West to capture Kim Kardashian's butt and is planning to build a statue of her in Grace Jones' famous pose from 1978.
Kanye West plans to build Kim K's statue in iconic Grace Jones pose.{mosimage}
The rapper, 37, posted the iconic image in one of his first posts on, however, this isn't the first time West's lover would be recreating the pose as his former girlfriend Amber Rose has also struck the same pose in 2010, the Mirror reported.
Rose has posed for Complex magazine, but even though the image never made it into the final edition, West had published it on his blog.
According to the reports, West has said that he wants to capture his wife's beauty for eternity, and wants it on their bedroom wall.
However, people are reportedly debating whether the 'Break The Internet' star could actually hold such a pose without toppling over.
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